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DSLR Food Photography Mastery Bundle Course
by Foodior Class
Is it Possible for Beginners to Create Amazing Food Photos Like a Pro with DSLR in Their Home?
Premium DSLR Food Photography Bundle Course
$824         $150
85% off - One-Day-Sale!
 Lifetime access to our best advanced food photography with 85% Discount
 You'll get 3 course with 13+3 Photo Scene, valued $39 each ($624) for only $150 ($9.375 each) , one payment with unlimited, lifetime access to all materials.
 Every scene includes shooting (in-studio) tutorial and a full post-production in Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom.
 Plus 4 bonus session course valued $200 : Chicken Crispy Photography Course, Levitation Food Photography Course, Natural Light Food Photography Course, and How to Make Background Food Photography Course

This is Behind The Scene When We Take Food Photos

Amazing Way to Take Food Photos with a series of DSLR / Mirrorless Food Photography Course Bundle

The Ultimate photography course, where beginners become masters

No need to buy an Expensive DSLR / Mirrorless Camera
No need to use Expensive Photo Props
No need to study with Complicated Knowledge
And if you don't have photo studio, of course, you can shoot at your corner of your home!

Bundle Contents
Levitation Shrimp Noodles - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
Levitation photos are still an interesting thing in the field of food photography. This time, we reveal the secret of making this very tempting Shrimp Noodle levitation photo.

This time, we created levitation photos of Shrimp Noodles with dark mood theme. First, we position our empty plate floating, followed with a bowl of Shrimp Noodles that floating too. And then the ingredients is also flying. 

Motion Coconut Tea - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
Motion Photo always have a deep impression, especially to put a little story into your shot by letting you capture a few seconds of action leading up to when the shutter button is released. 

In this scene, we create a beautiful motion of Coconut Tea with point of interest is in the front of the object. We'll use different kind of lighting for this amazing scene to create a very beautiful highlights.

Are you ready to take this incredible journey with us?
Levitation Fruit Cake - Bright Mood Photography
$39 Included
Have you ever thought about creating a bright mood theme of Fruit Cake followed by ingredients that fly naturally on it?

If you haven't, now is the time for you to practice it with us. We discuss completely, from the preparation, props & background selection, photoshoot, to editing session, only in this course.
Levitation Cocoa Drinks - Bright Mood Photography
$39 Included
Are you curious about how someone can beautiful levitation of Cocoa Drink with bright mood theme like this?

If yes, you are in the right place! We'll photograph a very appetizing chocolate drink by showing very clear detail of the ingredients in it.
Levitation Yellow Cake - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
The scene for this time is a bit different, because we're not only photographing the main menu and its ingredients, but we're also going to take pictures of the tools used to create the main menu.

Are you curious about how we created this levitation photo that is so different but no less amazing than other levitation photos? Just stay here and take this journey with us!
Birthday Cake - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
The birthday cake photography is usually served festively with a colorful theme. But what happens when we create a photo of a dark moody Birthday Cake with a puff of smoke on it?

I think this scene looks very dramatic and amazing, doesn't it?
Orange Cake - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
Motion photography is about showing movement. It is also about how to defies some of the standard rules and if you don’t know the basics of capturing motion, you miss the moment at the blink of an eye.

This time, we'll sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the Orange Cake which is so delicious. So, don't miss this scene!
Orange Truffle - DSLR Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
The dessert photographed with a 45 degree angle like this will definitely look very tempting.

But, what happens if you misplace the lighting? Follow and practice this scene to the end to get your best shot.
Blueberry Dutch Cake - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
Generally, this dark mood theme photo of Blueberry Dutch Cake is already interesting. However, this time, we'll shoot very beautiful dark mood Blueberry Dutch Cake from above, where you will see three kinds of leveling, from the cake, table, chairs, cloth, to the floor so this photo is very rich in texture.

Are you curious, how we make it? just stay tuned! I'll see you in class!
Berries Cake - Dark Mood Photography
$39 Included
Something in food that melts when photographed will certainly look more delicious and appetizing.

But, in order to create great Berries Cake photos with melted whipped cream, you need to learn the techniques. In this scene, the trainer came up with an idea, how to create photos of melted food with an affordable DSLR.

Curious? Prove yourself in this amazing scene!
Champagne - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
A glass of champagne with minimalist style, is a good idea to create a beautiful bright mood beverage photography.

Here, we created motion champagne in light pink background. We also add dry twigs and an empty white plate as the props. Also, we add a chopping board to add some level to this scene.
Waffles - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
If you love Waffles, or like to make these cakes, just try taking pictures of them with a colorful background like this one. You can also put ingredients to add texture to your scene.

If you like to make DIY at home, you can make other concepts as interesting as possible while still applying important techniques from the scene.

So, are you ready to post your best Waffle photos?
Ginger Tea - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
Welcome to this section, guys!

Actually, I really like this concept. It looks so simple but still catches the eye. In this scene, our concept is, we'll put a ginger and lime. And then, w also put the lemongrass on it with tilted position.

And the last, we put the beverage on the right edge, and the orange on the left edge. And here it is, amazing scene from Ginger Tea.
Levitation Cocktail - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
Another example of an amazing levitation beverage photo that you can practice yourself at your home corner.

It doesn't need a lot of props, it's simple, and you can use a lot of space to add copywriting in it.

Interested to try it?
Levitation of Shrimp - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
Of all the photos, this scene is the most interesting scene in our opinion.

Yes, the levitation photo of the shrimp and all the ingredients that were thrown naturally made this whole scene very interesting and catches the eye.
Pomegranate Jelly Drink - Colorful Food Photography
$39 Included
The secret to making beverage photos look detailed inside and rich in texture is actually not difficult, of course, if you understand the technique.

Here, we discuss thoroughly about the lighting settings, camera position to create a beautiful highlights, and the final touch up in the editing section. Curious? Stay tuned and join this course!
Four Bonus Session Course
Chicken Crispy Food Photography Course
$50 Included
The more textured your food photos are, the more real the delicious flavors will carry from your photos.

That's why we created this course.

With 4 food photography sessions chicken crispy theme, we reveal the secrets of creating food photos with a DSLR / Mirrorless so that the food you get looks more tempting and spoils your eyes!
Levitation Food Photography Course
$50 Included
This is the Best tutorial to Shoot Levitation Food Photography with DSLR Camera

In this course you’ll learn all about Levitation Food Photography. We’ll explain to you step by step so you can compose very beautiful levitation food photos in your home or your studio.

So, are you curious? Just join us, and prove yourself that you can create a beautiful levitation food photography even in your home!
How to Make Background Food Photography Course
$50 Included
One of the factors that support the success of food photos are the use of the right photo background.

In this course, you will learn how to make photo backgrounds with various variants. Starting from light backgrounds, dark backgrounds, to textured backgrounds.

You will also get important tips about the tools and materials used to make the background.
Smartphone Natural Light Food Photography Course
$50 Included
Practicality in food photography shot, this could be something you are looking for. Because being practical means it doesn't need a lot of props and can save the budget.

Smartphone Natural Light Food Photography is the only course we created without using lighting. You just need sunlight that passes through the windows of your house and smartphone you have.

Are you ready to take this incredible journey with us?

You get total $824 Value for all courses to own them forever!
Can be accessed from your smartphone anywhere and anytime, can even be given to your children, your spouse, your family, to your employees, and your team.
Without Complicated Knowledge 
Anyone can learn it, without even basic photos knowledge! 
Short but Solid Lecture!

More than 8 hour of lectures, but you can repeat the lectures for lifetime!
Including WhatsApp QnA Forum
 A forum for questions and answers to discuss and support with each other students effectively.
Online Course Walkthrough
The Best Online Professional DSLR Food Photography Course: How to Take Amazing Photos for Beginners & Advanced Photographers. Suitable for setting in the corner of your home to shoot your food photos. 

Including Opening, Lighting Setting, Camera Setting, Tips & Tricks.

Tips for Choosing Props & Background
How to choose the right props and background so that the photos look tempting and stay focused on the main menu.
Props & Background Settings
Good props and backgrounds don't have to be expensive, you just need to be smart in choosing and arranging them.
Getting to Know the Composition
Composition in photography is an important thing but often forget. Here, we'll refresh again about the important science in composition.
Basic & Motion Photoshoot
The food will be shoot using DSLR Camera, and the interesting thing is, you will see the secret how to shoot levitation food photography.
Editing Process with Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
We'll discuss how to edit your photo with 2 apps. First, we'll use Adobe Photoshop to combine 2 picture into one. Second, we'll fix the color with Lightroom.
More Reasons To Join
85% Off - One-Day-Sale!
  • No Need Basic Food Photography Knowledge : Anyone can learn it, without complicated knowledge
  • Lifetime Access to Our Best DSLR Food Photography Course :  You'll be taking better photos in no time with what you have in your own home!
  • You'll get 16 Series of : our DSLR Food Photography Course, valued $39 each ($624), one payment with unlimited, lifetime access to all material.
  • ​You'll get 4 Bonus Session Course More, valued $200,
  • Can even be Given: To your children, your spouse, your family, to your employees, and your team.
Here's What You Get:
  • More than 8 hours of lecture that can be accessed anytime and anywhere​ ($824 Value)
  • Tips & Tricks to sett props and background ($79 Value )
  • ​How to set simple but powerful lighting ($130 Value)
Total Value $1033. Todays Price: $150
85% off - One-Day-Sale!
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WOW! This is incredible course I've finally found! So interesting, and it's affordable for me who is still in high school.
Andy - High School Student
The lectures are very easy to learn, it's a lot of fun!

Thanks Foodior Class
Maria - Online Store Owner
Hi! I'm Berry Phann
Berry Phann is the Founder of Foodior Class

He grows his passion becoming world class photographer, instructor and author. In 4 years, he has collaborated with more than 500 clients from local to multinational companies from countries in Asia like China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, and Cambodia, etc. His Company has become one of most wanted photography company to work in to. 

He create all our course with the goal to help you improve your photography business. Currently, his online course have been attended by thousands of participants more than 34 countries around the world.

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